

A double chin is caused by muscle weakness, which can hide a genetic or hormonal problem and afflicts not only obese but also slender men or women. With the increasing age, the so-called "double chin" automatically increases. The solution to getting rid of this problem is an action that is also very popular in the US where the face of the campaign is Khloe Kardashian. It gains popularity by offering the possibility of permanently removing this aesthetic problem.


Effect of the procedure

Our product that is made for this treatment gives you the opportunity to improve the chin profile and provide first-class treatment for the double chin. It allows you to get rid of this unwanted problem life-long by applying deoxycholic acid, which is a natural part of our body, and reduces the amount of submental fat.


Instructions before the procedure

Do not shave the treated area for a couple of hours prior to surgery, do not use just before the treatment of smell, preparations that could irritate the skin.



Hypersensitivity to deoxycholic acid, pregnancy, breastfeeding.


The course of the procedure

Using an extra fine needle, a special solution of deoxycholic acid is applied to the chin area, based on the points determined by a special pattern, the individual distance of which is approximately 1 cm. After injection into the hypodermis, there is a process in which fat cells are permanently destroyed and the body naturally breaks down naturally. The number of injections and application of the treatment is determined for each patient individually with respect to the amount of fat in the area to be treated, but the majority is 2-4 times. The procedure is slightly painful, so it is done only after applying the local anesthetic cream and during it the skin cools.


Length of procedure

Approximate treatment time is 45 minutes including application of anesthetic cream, application of the template and application of the product and solution itself.


Instructions after the procedure

The treated area does not require any special follow-up care, or cooler coats with warmth or slight blushing.

Price of this treatment from 595€